About Us
Biodiversity Youth in Capacity Building, Policy, and International Coordination
The Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) is an international network of youth organizations and individuals from every global region who have united together with a common goal: preventing the loss of biodiversity and preserving Earth's natural resources.
As the official group for youth in the negotiations under the CBD, GYBN is committed to bringing the opinions and positions of young people into the political process; empowering young people to take action. Recognized and supported by the CBD Secretariat, GYBN seeks to inspire global youth and future leaders to work for the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in order to ensure a healthy global environment and enduring societies.
Currently, GYBN has 280 member organizations, representing a total of 664,000 members from 140 countries worldwide.

GYBN COP 14 delegation

Capacity building workshop in Kenya

GYBN COP 14 delegation

GYBN COP 14 delegation
We believe biodiversity is life; it is crucial to the balance of ecosystems and the survival of all species. Despite this, biodiversity continues to be lost at an unprecedented rate. This loss is one the greatest challenges of our time and needs to be addressed on all levels.

Our vision is to transform the world into one that does not experience human-induced biodiversity loss and where people live in harmony with nature.

Our mission is to build a global coalition of individuals and youth organisations to halt the loss of biodiversity through mobilizing and empowering young people whilst raising global awareness on the importance of biodiversity.